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The Killards Are Coming

Every damn day in Religion Class, Sister Anna Banana yapped about the Soviets revving up to start a nuclear war with the new president, Ronald Reagan. She said after the cities burned to Holy Hell, there’d be something called “nuclear winter” that would kill all... 

Double-Strength Demon Dogs

Fantastic Freddie was the only altar boy from the Red Brick Alley. He was always consecrating Ritz Crackers and trying to make us eat them like communion wafers. He light-fingered incense from the sacristy, and he blessed water from Old Lady Tully’s spigot...

Laser Loop

I couldn’t see over the tall green school bus seat except when we hit a pothole and I bounced up in the air like a Pop-Tart jumping out of a toaster. Nobody at Saint Augie’s could believe I was allowed to go. My first school picnic ever. I was good from the day I handed in my pink...

The Boy Wonder

How the Hell did Jaggerbush get himself up there? He was clawing his way up into the open window above the Science class door like a real-life gargoyle. The blockhead of a wooden mallet stuck out of the back of his Toughskins where his butt crack was. He wore three...

About The Author


Robert Roman grew up in Pittsburgh, PA, where he sold newspapers to cars from a concrete island. Read more→

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Updated: Jan 22, 2024

"LENEHAN: Plagiarist! Down with Bloom!"

- Ulysses, James Joyce

Dishonor student why do you insist,                   

On cribbing Ulysses to look astute?                   

You’re not Grade A, you’re not even D-List.           

So sit down and shut up and please stay mute.         

Unacademic All-American,                               

Why do you steal from Joyce’s masterpiece?            

Between you, there’s zero comparison.                 

So, do your worst, your worth will not increase.      

You’re less than nada, the cream of the crap          

Inside your skull, you’re no brain and all stem.      

You’re zilch cum laude, so don the dunce cap.         

Accept life’s lot, you’re the phlegm de la crème.     

Whoa, if my jack of Joyce makes the crowd jeer,

Wait till they realize this rips off Shakespeare.



Stay tuned for more stolen sonnets.

Same scheming time, same cheating channel.

Updated: Jan 17, 2024

“BLOOM: (Trembling, beginning to obey.) The weather has been so warm.”

-Ulysses, James Joyce

What if Bloomsday was a different day?                

Not weekday, another month than hot June.             

For this dumb question, we’ll stick with Thursday,    

And bobble the seasons like a buffoon,                

Flop-flipping summer and winter solstice,             

And reversing the weather for this spoof,             

Would Molly still cat-scratch for steamy bliss        

Like Helen of Troy on a hot tin roof?                  

Would Bloom hotfoot it toward Circe’s voices,

After succumbing to Gerty’s faux fling?

With all this filth, Judge Woolsey winked: Joyce’s

“Locale was Celtic and his season spring.”

When the tale’s running gag is potted meat,      

Forget faintly falling snow. Bring the heat.

Stay tuned for more June-January Romance Sonnets.

Same icy time, same fiery channel.

Happy Bloom Year! It’s the same as Leap Year,              

Depending how you define the word ‘same.’                   

Both provide an extra day on our sphere,              

If time-hop-skip-and-jumping is your game.            

One’s a Gregorian rounding error,                      

And one sails backward through the book’s time door,       

Named after Homer’s god-cursed seafarer,              

And lands in June, Nineteen Hundred and Four.              

Bloom’s port calls from a Devil’s Triangle,           

Where one-plus-one-is-two does trip and fall,         

And from the clock’s anchor chain you’ll untangle,         

And free-dive in depths outside of time’s trawl.      

With Bloomsday, every year is a Bloom Year,      

Have faith, read Joyce, leap from the now and here.

Stay tuned for more sometime sonnets.

Same timeless time, same watery channel.

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