"Pineapple rock, lemon platt, butter scotch… among the warm sweet fumes of Graham Lemon’s"
- Ulysses, James Joyce
Another pair of Time-Telescoping Ezraku:
In the Mouth of Lestrygonians #1
The new-shoe smell of sneakers for basketball:
Fresh fruit flavor of a Confectioners Hall.
In the Mouth of Lestrygonians #2
Pineapple and butterscotch at Lemon’s & Co:
A giant cannibal’s grisly, human gyro.
Subscribe and stay tuned for more appetizing Ezraku.
Same tasty time, same chewy channel.

-Will you tell him he can kiss my arse? Myles Crawford said throwing out his arm for emphasis. Tell him that straight from the stable.
- Ulysses, James Joyce
Mother’s counter to a hullabaloo:
"They can kiss my ass under Kaufman’s clock."
Like James Joyce, she’s NSFW.
Pick with these Irish and they’ll rock and sock.
Joyce’s jab, K.M.A., may first seem sparse,
But his punches come in bunches, combos
Like “He can kiss my royal Irish arse.”
That’s how the sweet scientists clinch KOs.
Now where was this low blow born? IDK?
This infight invite to kiss arse and ass?
Dublin? Pittsburgh? Some rest stop off the parkway?
Or somewhere hidden in the Catholic Mass?
If you give their ass a peck with your beak,
FYI, they will turn the other cheek.
Subscribe and stay tuned for more Backside Sonnets.
Same Bootylicious Time, same Badonkadonk Channel.

“Ah, I’m hungry.”
- Leopold “Poldy” Bloom
A Bloomsgiving Prayer
Bless us, oh Poldy for this thy buffet,
Organs of beast and fowl, eaten in bliss.
Breakfast is the meaty meal of Bloom’s day,
Complete with grilled kidney’s sour kiss of piss.
Bloom craves the hams of girls’ vigorous hips,
He tastes the melons of Molly’s plump rump,
And savors her sticky gumjelly lips.
Treats sweeter than the sweetest sugar lump.
Is this mashed-up menu a mortal sin?
A cannibal orgy strange to behold?
Evil, unbalanced meals, Yang without Yin?
"God made food, the devil the cooks,” I’m told.
Bloom’s human hunger may be worse than quirky,
But tastier than Thanksgiving turkey.
Subscribe and stay tuned for more Leopold Litanies.
Same theocratic time, same cultish channel.