Wisdom Hely’s Acrostically Addled Advertisement
Hely pays five men to bear and be strong.
Each wears one letter on his sandwich board.
LOL, they keep spelling his name wrong!
Yes, these characters are very untoward.
‘Twas Wisdom ordered an increase in sales.
Stationery doesn’t just sell itself.
Specially when men become leapfrogs and snails.
‘Til order’s restored, stocked remains the shelf.
Yet, what’s the point of Joyce’s running bit?
Loss of advertising’s ability?
Either or, the whole kaboodle and kit:
Heckling language’s futility.
Joyce tricks Charlie Browns with tease acrostics.
Just like Lucy always cocks up his kicks.
Subscribe and stay tuned for more acrostic sonnets.
Same agnostic time, same caustic channel.
Joycespearan Sonnet 130
My Molly’s eyes are Spanishy like night;
Gumjelly’s less soft than her lips are sticky;
Full breasts are white with fat nipples upright;
Heavenly hair whispers: I’m no quickie.
I adore her adulterous rump!
But seven miles up, I’ve not plunged my tongue.
Those plump mellow yellow melons will trump
Anything bursting from big Bella’s bung.
I bring toast and tea for breakfast in bed.
Eleven years since our love’s been complete.
My Molly sleeps with her toes at my head,
While Blazes Boylan gives her plum potted meat.
And yet, she’ll always be my mountain flower
Who I think of all day, every hour.
Subscribe and stay tuned for more Joycespearan Sonnets.
Same Jamesy time, same Willy channel.
Doctor Reality’s Sentence
James Joyce wrote the only book worth a damn,
Doc Reality states like the D.A.
At worst, all the rest are scams, at best, spam,
Frowning then downing his brown I.P.A.
Since then, I’ve served that maximum sentence
Within this inescapable prison,
Below repugnance, beyond repentance,
Locked down hard, unfree to be arisen.
But Joyce is the architect of this jail,
And a world of lives lives on the inside.
I don’t want out. Don’t come up with my bail.
In solitary is where I reside.
When sentenced by Doctor Reality,
Under Joyce’s lock and key, you will be free.
Subscribe and stay tuned for more sentencing sonnets.
Same locked-up time, same liberated channel.