My Own Private Ulysses: “This Poem Has Been Declined”
I’m shocked, shocked to find out censoring is going on here.
A famed Hemingway Half-Dozen Prose Poem has been “declined.” No, not by the New Yorker or the Paris Review or the Trader Joe’s Fearless Flyer. The opus was declined by a Facebook Poetry Group. My lawyer, Doctor Reality asked, “Don’t these people have any idea who you think you are?”
At least they didn’t ban and block me like the Orwellian psycho-sadists over at the James Joyce Facebook Group That Shall Not Be Named. (open case file here)
The Poetry Group administrators provided a due date for revisions but failed to hint at a reason for the declination.
The groundbreaking poem in question:
Joyce’s Tower
Early Hour
Lonely Wallflower
Apparently, avant-garde innovation is too much for these dudes to handle. No doubt, they ascribe to Percy Shelly’s declaration that the poet’s language is “vitally metaphorical.” Fair enough. I hereby submit my revision:
Joyce’s prick:
Massively thick.
Please lick.
Stay tuned for the open-limbed acceptance of this poem.
Same trailblazing time, same trendsetting channel.